Physicians, Pharmacists, Dentists, Veterinarians and Other Doctors

Physicians, Pharmacists, Dentists, Veterinarians, and Other Doctors focuses on preparation for physician-level careers, including dental, veterinary and pharmaceutical, along with a look into the physician assistant and alternative medicine systems. This semester-long course also introduces the topics of diversity and the move toward social and cultural skills in medicine, in addition to academic ability. This course focuses on the preparation for entry to practice, along with navigating the field once you are in it (working as part of a team, dealing with patients, etc.). Students choose their career path by studying different roles, responsibilities, settings, education needs, and amounts of patient contact. Degree and training requirements, working environment, salaries, and the day in the life of that career is also covered in this course. Students explore important aspects that are applicable to the entire health field, such as behaving ethically, keeping patients safe and free from infections and germs, and following laws and policies.