Did You Know That You Can Home School in Arizona Online for Free?

Arizona high school at home, Arizona homeschool for high school

If you are considering home schooling your student for high school, Hope High School Online can be a really great option.  The cost of home school curriculum can be challenging, but our curriculum is free because we are an Arizona state accredited charter school.   It is also award winning, and 4 of 5 of our students go on to higher education.  It can be the perfect solution so you can home school in Arizona online knowing that your student can receive high quality education in the safe, supportive environment of home.

Parental Involvement at Hope High School Online

The curriculum and teachers are online, plus there are caring counselors and support staff.  However, the role of a parent is really critical to a student’s success.  We encourage Hope High School Online parents to be very involved, and we find that our home school students do very well when they are.   We send weekly progress reports to parents, and our teachers and staff will support you and your student.  Our advanced online learning platform prepares your student for modern education, and gives you and your student the tools you need to succeed.  Who knew that home school in Arizona online for free could give you the best of both worlds?

Arizona State Graduation Requirements

Parents who choose home schooling need to be aware of state graduation requirements.  Choosing the correct coursework is key to fulfilling the state requirements.  The good news about enrolling at Hope High School Online is that we create an individual learning plan for every student.  It takes into consideration what the student has already accomplished and what coursework is needed to meet state graduation requirements.  Our students graduate with valid Arizona high school diplomas, and have received entry into numerous universities and colleges.

We Create Success for Students

Blueprint Education, the parent organization of Hope High School Online, is celebrating its’ 50th year of empowering students to succeed.  We’ve learned a lot over the years, and we encourage you as parents to take advantage of the learning tips we can offer about learning styles, aptitudes, goals, and even flexibility in scheduling for your student. 

Just like you as the parent, we recognize the fact that every student is unique.  We work hard to understand individual learning styles, aptitudes, individual hopes and dreams, and through customized learning plans, help empower each student to give their best to their educational success.

We also know that biological timeclocks are off for high school students in general.  This means that because of the physical changes high school aged students go through, they often are at their peak later in the evening, and not as alert in the early morning.  We offer flexibility for your student, and don’t have required times that the student must be online.  It’s another perk that comes with the opportunity of Arizona online home school for free through Hope High School Online.  You can go HERE to read some of the parenting tips, and also connect with us on Facebook HERE to stay up to date on parental resources.

Setting Your Arizona Online High School Student Up For Success

We are committed to helping your student succeed.  As a matter of fact, 4 out of 5 of our students go on to higher education.  We invite you to partner with us to create academic success for your student.   To download our complimentary information kit, go HERE.

You are also welcome to e-mail us HERE or call us at 602-674-8344.