Our Free Online High School Youtube Talk Show Introduces Mr. Ortega

Have you watched the latest episode of Late Night with Timmy Stallon on our Youtube channel? Hope High School Online, a free online high school, knows how important it is to connect with our students on many levels. Our YouTube channel is a great way to share helpful information in a creative way. 

Mr. Ortega, a math teacher at HHSO, was the most recent special guest on Late Night with Timmy Stallon. Learn why he decided to become a teacher, his advice to parents and students, and also what he enjoys most. At our free online high school, we not only give our students a well-rounded education, but we make sure there is some fun mixed in. Late Night with Timmy Stallon brings the funny with his late-night Youtube talk show. 

Introducing Mr. Ortega on Late Night with Timmy Stallon 

Mr. Ortega teaches many different math subjects to our Hope High School Online students. In high school, Mr. Ortega struggled with math and was told he wouldn’t become anything. But one teacher was the inspiration behind him finding his passion for teaching. His teacher told him to try and be better, and that is precisely what Mr. Ortega did. 

On the Late Night with Timmy Stallon talk show, he revealed what students can do to better themselves just as he did – practice! Many students come to him, thinking they are not made for math, and math isn’t their good subject, but Mr. Ortega presses his students to keep practicing. Just like in sports, practice will take you to the next level. When students are not practicing math concepts and equations, what they don’t use they will lose.

Timmy Stallon also addressed a popular math question, “When will we ever use this?” Math is everywhere and important. Mr. Ortega believes knowing the practicality of math will help students in their future jobs and personal finances. 

Along with Mr. Ortega’s love for math is a love for the movie Gladiator, video games, and, most importantly, time spent with his family. Watch Mr. Ortega’s interview on Late Night with Timmy Stallon HERE, and remember to like and subscribe to our YouTube Channel! 

Teachers at Our Free Online High School Inspire Our Students 

Our free online school encourages our students to find value, independence, and purpose. At Hope High School Online, our teachers and staff are always exploring new ways to better our students and our school. In his interview, Mr. Ortega spoke about how much he values the collaboration and innovations between HHSO teachers and students. This collaboration helps our students achieve academically and position them to succeed in their future.  

2019-2020 Hope High School Online registration is now open! Read more about the opportunity to learn at our free online high school in Arizona HERE. Also, connect with us on Facebook HERE to find out more about our free online high school and have access to resources. For more information, reach out to us by email HERE, send us a text at 602-663-8496, or call us at 602-906-4846. Make sure to check out the next episode of Late Night with Timmy Stallon on our YouTube Channel HERE!