Enrolling your student at Hope High School Online means enjoying free Arizona school at home online. We provide an award-winning, high-quality high school education that prepares high school students for college. Participating in Arizona online school at home teaches valuable lessons about how college works and the need to take responsibility for learning. Learning online using a modern educational platform, managing flexible school scheduling, enjoying a personalized learning environment, and the benefits of individually paced learning are all key components of online high school as well as the college learning environment. With 4 out of 5 of our students at Hope High School Online going on to higher education, we can gladly say we prepare our online high school students and are committed to our students’ future success.
How Online High School at Home Prepares Your Student for College
Your student will learn many other valuable lessons while attending free online school at home in Arizona that helps prepare them for college. Some things your student can learn are-
Organization: During your free online Arizona school at home education, students learn the importance of organization. Keeping a set schedule for school time, organizing assignments, and maintaining a distraction-free learning area will benefit your student’s future at college.
Confidence: Learning from school at home allows students to feel a greater sense of confidence in their online setting than in traditional classrooms. Quiet or shy learners have a chance to speak out in online discussion forums and share their thoughts and ideas. There is ample support from teachers, staff, and academic coaches at Hope High School Online that encourages students to gain the confidence they need to be successful.
Independent Learning: When learning at home, students learn the strategy of working according to their personal learning pace. They learn how to stay on track for scheduled assignments, studying, and utilize their skills and strengths for learning independently. Setting educational goals based on personal performance empowers students to shine academically.
Tech Savvy: Learning how to work on online platforms similar to college platforms means no learning curve once your student starts college. Knowledge of how to access various online resources used during free Arizona online school at home also gives your student tools to use during higher education.
We Equip Our Students for Higher Education at Free Online School at Home in Arizona
Every student at Hope High School Online has highly qualified teachers and hard-working academic coaches supporting them while participating in free online school at home in Arizona. We provide the personalized support every student deserves to create the future your student dreams of. If your student’s goal is to attend a four-year college after high school, Hope High School Online offers a College Prep Diploma. The College Prep Diploma creates students volunteer opportunities to help round-out their college applications. It also includes two years of a foreign language and a year of advanced math. With supportive staff, teachers, and academic coaches, every student at our free online school at home in Arizona has the opportunity to achieve their goals.
Students that prefer to pursue a vocation instead of attending college after high school can take advantage of Hope High School Online’s relationship with West MEC. Many of our students graduate from our high school and move directly into a career as a result of the vocational training they receive while in high school. Check out the career training programs available at West MEC, HERE.
Hope High School Online Personalizes Support for Student Success
Hope High School Online believes that a student’s learning experiences should be enriched. Students grow through experiences like groups, clubs, sports, and serving in the community. It is all built-in as part of the school at home benefits offered at Hope High School Online. We believe that these unique learning experiences help our students discover their passions, which in turn empowering them to explore their future.
We are 100% committed to our student’s success, and that is why 4 out of 5 Hope High School Online students go on to higher education. If you are still researching your options for an accredited, free Arizona school at home high school, download the Hope High School Online info kit HERE, e-mail us HERE, or give us a call at 602-663-8496. We offer an award-winning curriculum, a safe environment, we support students and families, and our students succeed! Find out more HERE!