To answer the age-old question that every high school student asks, “Why do we have to learn this stuff, and when will we ever use this in real life?”…. You will use math for the rest of your life in many different ways! During Math Awareness Month you can learn why actively engaging in understanding the concepts behind mathematics is so important.
Mathematics and Statistics Awareness month began in 1986 and is aimed at increasing the level of interest in math. Math skills are needed in all careers or vocations, as well as an essential life skill. For example, one of the life lessons math teaches us all is to solve problems one step at a time. It also teaches us that you can learn to solve a problem as you go along, and that there is not always just one way to solve a problem. Math teaches the importance of attention to detail, of developing logical thinking to solve complex problems, and that if you skip a step, you may have to go back to the beginning and start over!
Working With Math During Virtual High School
Math is also crucial to the success of a student’s virtual high school education. There are many different elements involved in mathematics and statistics that can be stressful and frustrating. Learning the best ways to study for math courses can help grasp difficult or abstract concepts and add more study tools to the academic toolbox.
First – Work Hard to Really Understand (Not Just Memorize) the Material
Videos on YouTube or other educational websites can help a student better understand the concept with a visualization aid and step by step instruction
Teach the concept to a parent, sibling, study group, or a friend. Talking out loud, using your own words, and working through a problem or math concept on a whiteboard or paper as if you are teaching helps you hear and understand the correct step by step process
Next – Put Everything on Paper
- Practice, practice, practice
Sometimes the best thing to do when stuck on a math problem is to work it out multiple times until you feel comfortable with the steps. Even if it
- Take notes
Finally – Have Fun!
- Make learning interactive
Many online resources are available that provide fun, interactive ways to better understand math concepts. There are math games online for any grade level that make learning and studying more enjoyable. Ask your teacher for additional resources.
Adding some color to paper or digital notes makes it more memorable. For example, a difficult concept that needs extra attention might be highlighted in red (stop – pay attention). Something that is more easily understandable could be highlighted in green (good to go- you get it). Personalizing your notes with color ink, doodles, or using different writing materials like colored markers and poster board can make the process more fun while you are learning from the
Most Importantly, Challenge Yourself
Finding ways to challenge yourself to go beyond what you already know, visualizing your future success can keep you learning and understanding new concepts and material. Identifying your learning style and having study tools that work best for you personally is also important to succeed during virtual high school. Ask your teacher or coach to help you identify your learning style and then match it with study tools that will equip you to learn most effectively.
At Hope High School Online, we offer the required math courses needed to meet the state of Arizona high school graduation requirements. We are 100% committed to our Arizona online high school students’ success, so even if math doesn’t come easy, we find ways to make it possible to really understand even the complex concepts. It is the reason why we provide a personalized, supportive academic environment – because we know our students’ success is more than just memorizing to pass a test.
If you are still researching your options for an accredited, free Arizona online high school, download the Hope High School Online info kit HERE, use live chat on our website, e-mail us HERE, or give us a call at 602-663-8496. We offer an award-winning curriculum, a safe environment, we support students and families, and our students succeed! Find out more HERE!
Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ams.org/mathstatmonth/msamhome
Tips for effective, efficient studying. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/sat/new-sat-tips-planning/new-sat-how-to-prep/a/tips-for-effective-efficient-studying