Our Accredited Online Charter School Believes in our Parents!

Right now, you may be finding yourself spending a lot more time with your teenager. We love that amidst all the change and uncertainty society is feeling, a silver lining is that families can spend more time together. Of course, sometimes there will be challenges, but take this time to grow closer, and enjoy the at-home time and engage more in your student’s learning processes.  One of the key values of our accredited online charter school is recognizing the crucial role that parents play in the academic success of students. We believe the partnership creates an environment that positively empowers your student to follow their dreams, achieving success in high school and the future!

Take This Opportunity To Bond With Your Teen and Share Much Need Time Together 

Life can get hectic, and during the shuffle of the day, family time can be lost.  The stay at home requirements Arizona families are facing right now create an opportunity to slow down, and spend some well needed time with your teen and family.  Quality family time positively impacts your student’s academic success by reducing stress, increasing self esteem, and improving communications – all which impact motivation and academic performance.  Below are some strategies to maximize time together:

Work Together-

If you are working from home or needing to spend time on the computer, set up next to your student while they are learning and spending time in their classes at our accredited online charter school. Even though you both are working, you are still making it special by doing it together.

Cook and Bake Together- 

Find recipes for healthy snacks or meals that can be prepared as a family. Have your teen help find recipes they would enjoy. Taking this time together creates moments and memories that may last forever.

Take a Walk Together-

Taking a walk with your student every day not only gives you time to talk and communicate with them but can also be a chance to help them study.  Exercise improves brain function and reduces learning fatigue, reinvigorating your student to come back to studying refreshed and ready to learn.

Play Games Together-

Play some favorite board games, finish a puzzle or take an opportunity to play educational games that can help your student practice their learning material. Have your student make flashcards, and you can help your student study for their classes at our accredited online charter school. There are so many online resources that share great ideas on how to help your teen study but have fun doing it. Educational games help students enjoy the learning experience and enjoy the time spent with you.

Our Accredited Online Charter School Personalizes Support for Your Student to Succeed

Hope High School Online believes your student’s learning experiences should be personalized and enriched by positive interaction with their teachers and coaches. Students grow through their educational and personal experiences. It is all built-in as part of the online school benefits offered at Hope High School Online – students are online but never alone. We believe that these unique learning experiences and interactions help students discover their passions, which in turn empowers them to explore their future.

We are 100% committed to your student’s success, and that is why 4 out of 5 Hope High School Online students go on to higher education. If you are still researching your options for an accredited online charter school at home, download the Hope High School Online info kit HERE, e-mail us HERE, or give us a call at 602-663-8496. We offer an award-winning curriculum, a safe environment, we support students and families, and our students succeed! Find out more HERE!