Student Appreciation at Hope High School Online for Free in Arizona

The impact of the COVID-19 virus is being felt by all of us.  Students – you need to know that the teachers and staff at Hope High School Online understand what you are going through right now! Being required to stay at home isn’t exactly fun, so we want to try and change that. All of April, our free online high school in Arizona is going to be participating in Student Appreciation Month. You should have already received an email sharing how you can participate. And don’t forget to check out Hope High School Online’s Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook for more information. We are going to get through this together, and have some fun doing it.

How to Be the Best Student You can be-Even During the Quarantine

Life looks a little different right now, and going out is not an option for students at this time. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start new and improved habits at home to start being the best student you can be!

We are going to be appreciating your awesomeness all month long, so we would love you to show Hope High School Online just how awesome you are! 

Here are a few tips to help increase your student awesomeness while attending free high school online:

  • Work on positive self-esteem – this means catching yourself when you start running through a list of what you don’t like about yourself.  Replace the negative list with a list of what you are doing right!
  • Give full attention during classes at free online high school in Arizona – don’t give in to the easy distractions
  • Set your short and long term goals – write them down to formalize them
  • Learn a new hobby – what do you love?  Start doing it!
  • Do an advanced reading of upcoming material in classes – this reduces stress, and you feel great about yourself!
  • Read more books for fun – again – what do you love?  Start learning about it!
  • Be inspired – everyone needs heroes!  Who inspires you? Why? Grab hold of the inspiration and start doing some of the things you admire (as long as it is not leaping from tall buildings assuming you will fly – no superhero powers included).
  • Make a to-do list – don’t procrastinate! Then check it off when you are done  – feels great!
  • Ask questions – “What makes this work?”, or “How is this done?”, or “Can we make this?” – it’s the beginning of great inventions!
  • Practice self-discipline – Eat healthy, exercise, and properly rest – you will feel so much better about yourself!
  • Utilize educational resources from Hope High School Online and online – you are not alone – we are here to help!
  • Actively listen – taking notes ensures that you are focused, and writing information down helps you memorize the content.

Look out for our latest posts about Hope High School Online’s Student Appreciation Month on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube. We would love to see how our HHSO students are doing!

Hope High School Online is a Quality Tuition-Free Online High School in Arizona

One of the numerous benefits of attending an Arizona free online high school like Hope High School Online is the flexibility to learn wherever is best and however is best. Hope High School Online has a plethora of resources available for students and parents to take advantage of. Contact us today and learn more about our Arizona virtual high school. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you are still researching your options for an accredited, free Arizona online high school, download the Hope High School Online info kit HERE, e-mail us HERE, send us a text at 602-663-8496, or give us a call at 602-663-8496. We offer an award-winning curriculum, a safe environment, we support students and families, and our students succeed! Find out more HERE!
