Tutoring for Students Attending Our Free Arizona High School Online

Arizona High Schools Online for Free

Did you know tutoring is available for all students going to Hope High School Online? One of the unique characteristics of our free Arizona online high school is that we intentionally keep the student/teacher ratio at very reasonable levels. Our talented teachers genuinely care about their students, and because they are not overloaded, they are … Read more

Our Accredited Online Charter School Believes in our Parents!

Accredited Online Charter School online education

Right now, you may be finding yourself spending a lot more time with your teenager. We love that amidst all the change and uncertainty society is feeling, a silver lining is that families can spend more time together. Of course, sometimes there will be challenges, but take this time to grow closer, and enjoy the … Read more

Keep Your Mind Active When Attending High School at Home in Arizona

education resources information center

Keeping your mind active when attending high school at home in Arizona does not have to be boring. Our brain is such a fantastic organ that loves to be exercised and strengthened. Having fun while improving brain function sounds like a great way to become a better student when attending school at home in Arizona! … Read more

Personal Student Growth While Attending Arizona Online Schools

Arizona Online

When new year resolutions start to taper, and many begin to fall back into the same habits and ruts as before, personal growth can seem stalled. There is a way to prevent stalling out in personal growth.  The most successful students at Hope High School Online continue to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. Our … Read more

Arizona Virtual High School Gives Students the Freedom to Learn Outside


One of the most amazing things about Arizona is the great weather we enjoy most of the year. The weather is especially perfect right now for walks around the neighborhood, bike rides, and outdoor activities. One of the many benefits of attending a virtual high school in Arizona is the freedom to learn outdoors. Parents … Read more

Amp Up College Applications with Hope High School Online in Arizona

Online High School in Arizona

Sometimes it may feel like you have to be a straight-A, harp playing, football throwing, multilingual student to make the cut for your dream college. Not so fast…. Hope High School Online in Arizona is here to help you be a competitive applicant for colleges. We work with you every step of the way to … Read more

It’s Never Boring Attending Hope High Online School at Home in Arizona

Arizona School at Home

Career Development Day Hope High School Online is always working hard to help our students identify their passions and work towards their future while attending school at home in Arizona. We provide individual learning plans to help our students prepare for the future careers they want. Hope High School Online and West-MEC work together to … Read more