Student Appreciation at Hope High School Online for Free in Arizona

Online Free high School Arizona

The impact of the COVID-19 virus is being felt by all of us.  Students – you need to know that the teachers and staff at Hope High School Online understand what you are going through right now! Being required to stay at home isn’t exactly fun, so we want to try and change that. All … Read more

Personal Student Growth While Attending Arizona Online Schools

Arizona Online

When new year resolutions start to taper, and many begin to fall back into the same habits and ruts as before, personal growth can seem stalled. There is a way to prevent stalling out in personal growth.  The most successful students at Hope High School Online continue to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. Our … Read more

Take Mental Breaks to Better Your Education at Our Arizona Online School

Free High School Online Classes

Working hard on an assignment, finishing a big project, or preparing for an upcoming test takes a lot of focus. If you find yourself having a difficult time concentrating, problems are stumping you, and decisions are hard to make, you need a mental break! Brief breaks while working on your Arizona online school assignments gives … Read more

How to Stay On Track at Arizona School at Home During the Holidays

School at Home in Arizona

The holidays are finally here! Thanksgiving was great, and now finally Christmas and end of year celebrations are near! However, all the time spent with family and friends during the holiday season can cause you to lose track of school responsibilities. At Hope High School Online, we want you to enjoy all of the wonderful … Read more

Strong Role Models Benefit Your Education at Free Arizona School Online

Arizona School Online for Free

November is National Inspirational Role Models Month, and no matter what age, gender, or stage in life someone is at, role models are influential. We have found that having a strong role model can be very inspirational for students attending our free Arizona school online. An inspirational role model can be a friend, parent, celebrity, … Read more

A Positive Mindset When Attending a Free High School Online in Arizona

Arizona Free High School Online

Do you ever struggle keeping your student motivated and positive during their academic journey? Last month we suggested a few ways parents can help their student develop an interest in school when lacking motivation. Read our latest article to learn how you can help your student achieve motivation HERE. Once students begin to spark an … Read more

Achieve Goals With Your Student

Arizona Online High School Free

Do you ever notice the amount of passion a teenager shows when they are interested in something? Imagine if you could motivate your teenager to have that kind of enthusiasm towards their Arizona online high school free education. It can be challenging to motivate a student that is not interested in what they are learning … Read more