Tutoring for Students Attending Our Free Arizona High School Online

Arizona High Schools Online for Free

Did you know tutoring is available for all students going to Hope High School Online? One of the unique characteristics of our free Arizona online high school is that we intentionally keep the student/teacher ratio at very reasonable levels. Our talented teachers genuinely care about their students, and because they are not overloaded, they are … Read more

Student Appreciation at Hope High School Online for Free in Arizona

Online Free high School Arizona

The impact of the COVID-19 virus is being felt by all of us.  Students – you need to know that the teachers and staff at Hope High School Online understand what you are going through right now! Being required to stay at home isn’t exactly fun, so we want to try and change that. All … Read more

Continue to Thrive When Attending Free Arizona Online High School

Arizona School Online for Free

Students and parents all over Arizona are now looking for a free Arizona online high school during the current school closure mandate. Learning to go to school online can be stressful and challenging, but it also offers so many benefits.  With the right guidance, students attending online high school in Arizona can shape their own … Read more

Student Success Abounds at Free Arizona School Online

Arizona Online for Free

Students experience motivational highs and lows during their high school education. Supporting high school students encourages them to strive for success when they choose a free Arizona school online. With the focused academic support from Hope High School Online, and positive emotional support from parents, struggling students can find the learning champion within them. Get … Read more

How to Let Go and Let Students Learn at an Arizona Virtual High School


Watching your teenager grow up can be an adventurous time for parents as teenage milestones are being met and graduation gets closer for your student. In the third and last part of the “Achieving Motivation” series for parents, Hope High School Online, an Arizona virtual high school, gives insight into the power of beginning to … Read more

Arizona Online High Schools and Parents Can Support Student’s Purpose

Arizona Online High Schools

A survey in 2018 found that most high school students didn’t feel properly prepared or equipped to deal with stress, understand emotions, solve disagreements, and face adult life after high school. At Hope High School Online, we are on a mission to prepare our students providing the personal skills needed to succeed in an online … Read more

Our Teachers Make Your Arizona Online High School Education Amazing

Arizona Online Education High School

This month, Timmy Stallon introduces one of Hope High School Online’s newest addition to the team  – Mrs. Schneider. Timmy Stallon (aka Mr. Watson, HHSO’s Social Studies teacher) introduces Mrs. Schneider on an entertaining Late Night episode available on the Hope High School Online YouTube channel. Please tune in to learn more about Mrs. Schneider … Read more