Learn More About the Principal of our Free Arizona Online School

Arizona Schools Online for Free

Hope High School Online has a caring, dedicated team that equips students to achieve their goals and become champions of their own learning. Principal Horn is the talented leader of the teachers and staff at Hope High School Online, a free online school in Arizona. Timmy Stallon (aka Mr. Watson, HHSO’s Social Studies teacher) introduces … Read more

Start Planning for Your Career at Our Free Online High School in Arizona

Arizona Online High School for Free

Are you currently in high school but already thinking about how to start planning for your career? Our free online high school in Arizona is here to help! With our partnership with West-MEC, our Hope High School Online students have the opportunity to start working towards their career during high school. West-MEC is free, it … Read more

Achieve Goals With Your Student

Arizona Online High School Free

Do you ever notice the amount of passion a teenager shows when they are interested in something? Imagine if you could motivate your teenager to have that kind of enthusiasm towards their Arizona online high school free education. It can be challenging to motivate a student that is not interested in what they are learning … Read more

Attending Arizona Online High School For Free Creates Time for Other Responsibilities

Arizona online high school for free

As a student, is it hard to find the time to make school and grades a priority? As a son or daughter, sibling, or relative, do you spend much time helping out your family or loved ones? Many teenage students wrestle with prioritizing time for school when they are working hard helping their family at … Read more