The Best of Both Worlds is Available at our Arizona Free High School Online

Do you currently go to a traditional brick and mortar high school? Do you ever wonder if there is a different way to learn where every moment is not regulated?  Or how high school education that offers a flexible schedule can change your high school education experience to one you really enjoy? At Hope High … Read more

Personal Student Growth While Attending Arizona Online Schools

Arizona Online

When new year resolutions start to taper, and many begin to fall back into the same habits and ruts as before, personal growth can seem stalled. There is a way to prevent stalling out in personal growth.  The most successful students at Hope High School Online continue to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. Our … Read more

How to Let Go and Let Students Learn at an Arizona Virtual High School


Watching your teenager grow up can be an adventurous time for parents as teenage milestones are being met and graduation gets closer for your student. In the third and last part of the “Achieving Motivation” series for parents, Hope High School Online, an Arizona virtual high school, gives insight into the power of beginning to … Read more

Arizona Virtual High School Gives Students the Freedom to Learn Outside


One of the most amazing things about Arizona is the great weather we enjoy most of the year. The weather is especially perfect right now for walks around the neighborhood, bike rides, and outdoor activities. One of the many benefits of attending a virtual high school in Arizona is the freedom to learn outdoors. Parents … Read more

Supporting Student’s Mental Health During Arizona Online School

Arizona Online School

Mental health awareness is increasing, creating opportunities for students to seek help. Raising awareness and support is crucial because 37% of students 14 years old and older with a mental health issue drop out of school. Hope High School Online, an Arizona online school understands the pressures students deal with daily. Hope High School Online … Read more

Make the Switch and Become an Arizona School at Home Student

Arizona School at Home

Have you thought your traditional high school classroom has not been enjoyable or rewarding? Whether you are overly stimulated, distracted, bored, or falling behind, it’s time to research a better educational choice. Hope High School Online has the perfect solution for you! A flexible school schedule, personalized learning plans, amazing teacher support, and learning from … Read more

Why Free Online High Schools Are Significantly Better Than Classrooms

High Schools Online for Free

The look and feel of a classroom at a traditional brick and mortar school may seem engaging and educational. In fact, the abundance of stimulation competes for a student’s attention. Free online high schools, like Hope High School Online, understand the best way to learn is unique to each student. Students in an active classroom … Read more