When new year resolutions start to taper, and many begin to fall back into the same habits and ruts as before, personal growth can seem stalled. There is a way to prevent stalling out in personal growth. The most successful students at Hope High School Online continue to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. Our academic coaches and teachers at our Arizona online school provide the tools to help our students persevere during times of stress and challenge. Learning the personal disciplines and adjustments that help students persevere and move forward to success benefits students through their entire academic career and into adulthood.
Always Keep Learning, Seek Growth, and Be Patient
When attending online schools in Arizona, students can learn to become self-motivated and disciplined. Working on homework, completing assignments, and studying to be successful requires concentrated time, but schedules are flexible. Flexibility, the opportunity to connect learning with real-life experiences through work or vocational courses helps our students to retain their thirst for learning.
Flexible scheduling also allows our students to find time to make their personal well being a priority, even though teens may not recognize this as necessary to be a successful student. Adequate sleep, a healthy diet, exercise, and mental health breaks to improve academic outcomes and the opportunity is available at an online school in Arizona like Hope High School Online.
High school can be hard – working long hours, keeping to a schedule, and tracking grades. And on top of that, thinking about your future, college, and career adds stress to any student. Not giving in to discouragement, accepting the fact that change and challenge are part of life are keys to preventing stalling. Worry does not solve problems. When students feel stalled, we encourage them to step back, refocus, and ask for help if necessary. Our online school staff provides students with the tools to navigate the academic challenges that are inevitable.
We encourage our students to own their own academic outcomes. One of the steps to taking ownership is to choose their attitude – to learn to become a problem solver instead of a procrastinator or a quitter. Refusing to procrastinate or quit isn’t always a giant leap of faith. It occurs as students just take the next step to continue learning – finish an assignment, reach out for help, study for a test – whatever the block is, taking the first step unlocks the path forward to take the next step. Persevering through difficulty helps students reach their goals, and open the doors to your dreams.
Our Online School in Arizona Supports Student’s Safe and Positive Learning Environment
Did you know that 4 out of 5 Hope High School Online students go on to higher education? And that many of them came to us struggling? We are 100% committed to our students’ success – because we know our students are more than just a test score. At Hope High School Online, we personalize the support necessary to help our students succeed in free online high school in Arizona and life! Reach out to your student’s academic coach or teacher to learn more about the fantastic options available to meet your student’s needs.
Find out more about how we help students achieve academically and position them for future success HERE. Read our recent newsletters HERE to learn more about motivating your student and keeping a positive mindset at free online high school in Arizona. Download our free information kit HERE, and find out why students succeed at Hope High School Online in Arizona.
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