Personal Student Growth While Attending Arizona Online Schools

Arizona Online

When new year resolutions start to taper, and many begin to fall back into the same habits and ruts as before, personal growth can seem stalled. There is a way to prevent stalling out in personal growth.  The most successful students at Hope High School Online continue to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. Our … Read more

Supporting Student’s Mental Health During Arizona Online School

Arizona Online School

Mental health awareness is increasing, creating opportunities for students to seek help. Raising awareness and support is crucial because 37% of students 14 years old and older with a mental health issue drop out of school. Hope High School Online, an Arizona online school understands the pressures students deal with daily. Hope High School Online … Read more

Creating a Positive Environment For Your Arizona Online School Student

Arizona Online School

As a parent of an Arizona online school student, do you ever wonder how you can help them be the most successful student? We can help! Setting up a positive learning environment for your student can give them the essentials to learn more deeply, feel more confident, and set up healthy habits for their future. … Read more

Levels of Learning That Can Help You Thrive in Arizona Online School

Arizona online school

Have you ever found yourself studying the night before a big test, cramming as much information as possible, only to result in a mediocre grade? By understanding the levels of learning, you can fight procrastination and be a thriving student at an Arizona online school. At Hope High School Online, we are committed to students … Read more

Differences between Private and Charter Schools Are Important

Arizona online school

Are you currently interested in Arizona online school and researching what is available? There are so many factors to consider when evaluating details of each Arizona online school and finding the best fit for your student and family. Expensive education doesn’t necessarily mean the best education. Hope High School Online provides free Arizona online school … Read more

How to Help Your Generation Z Student Learn at Arizona Online School

Arizona online school

As a parent of a student attending an Arizona online school, have you tried to help your student with an assignment and didn’t know where to start? It’s no wonder. Students born after 1995 are apart of this generation named the Generation Z. Did you know that kids who are a part of the Generation … Read more

Eliminating Stress from Big Projects and Big Tests at an Arizona Online School

Arizona Online School

As a high school student, regardless of whether you attend an Arizona online high school or a ground campus, big projects and tests are an inevitable part of the high school experience.  You are being prepared to succeed in life, not just high school, and both college and jobs require successful project completion and testing.  … Read more