Continue to Thrive When Attending Free Arizona Online High School

Arizona School Online for Free

Students and parents all over Arizona are now looking for a free Arizona online high school during the current school closure mandate. Learning to go to school online can be stressful and challenging, but it also offers so many benefits.  With the right guidance, students attending online high school in Arizona can shape their own … Read more

A Parent’s Role in a Student’s Life When Attending School Online for Free

As parents, sometimes we can forget that our teenager has only been on this earth for less than two decades! Teenagers continuously experience new lessons and feelings. To connect better with your student, step back and examine situations through his or her eyes. At Hope High School Online, we partner with parents to help students … Read more

Personal Student Growth While Attending Arizona Online Schools

Arizona Online

When new year resolutions start to taper, and many begin to fall back into the same habits and ruts as before, personal growth can seem stalled. There is a way to prevent stalling out in personal growth.  The most successful students at Hope High School Online continue to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. Our … Read more

Respect Your Mental Space During Free Online High School Classes

Free High School Online Classes

Taking time for yourself during a busy schedule full of schoolwork, perhaps a job, and family can leave you feeling drained. Putting yourself first sometimes may feel odd, but it can help you be stronger and more motivated to achieve your goals. Taking note of your mental space and setting aside time just for you … Read more

A Positive Mindset When Attending a Free High School Online in Arizona

Arizona Free High School Online

Do you ever struggle keeping your student motivated and positive during their academic journey? Last month we suggested a few ways parents can help their student develop an interest in school when lacking motivation. Read our latest article to learn how you can help your student achieve motivation HERE. Once students begin to spark an … Read more

Personalize Your Learning During Free High School Online Classes

Free High School Online Classes

Whether you enjoy fast-paced learning or prefer to take your time, every student can benefit from personalizing their learning environment while taking free high school online classes. Positive and productive learning environments are fundamental to a student’s academic, emotional, and social success while attending an online school. Positive learning environments are not just created on … Read more

Achieving Motivation, Part 2 – Choosing a Positive Mindset

Arizona school at home online free

Achieving Motivation – Part 2Choosing a Positive Mindset In the last article, Achieving Motivation, Part 1, we explored a few possibilities to develop an interest in school when your student isn’t interested. Having a “Sense of Control” is a wonderful tool to place the control back in your student’s hands. When it’s their idea with … Read more