Reading For Fun Can Improve Your Grades

Online High School Arizona

When was the last time you read a book you enjoyed, just for fun? By the time students turn fifteen, reading for fun becomes rare. Independent reading helps improve academic focus and grades in Arizona online high school. A recent study discovered that students who read for fun daily show significant improvements in grades for … Read more

Our Free Arizona School at Home Has the Best of Both Worlds

When you think of your student in school at home, what do you picture? Many parents think of home school programs where they must choose curriculum, set up daily activities, and provide one-on-one instruction. At Hope High School Online, our free Arizona school at home provides everything a student needs to be successful! Parents don’t … Read more

Differences between Private and Charter Schools Are Important

Arizona online school

Are you currently interested in Arizona online school and researching what is available? There are so many factors to consider when evaluating details of each Arizona online school and finding the best fit for your student and family. Expensive education doesn’t necessarily mean the best education. Hope High School Online provides free Arizona online school … Read more

Get Excited About Math During Math Awareness Month

virtual high school

To answer the age-old question that every high school student asks, “Why do we have to learn this stuff, and when will we ever use this in real life?”…. You will use math for the rest of your life in many different ways! During Math Awareness Month you can learn why actively engaging in understanding … Read more

High School Can be Tough

online high school in Arizona provides teenage parent resources

Did your once cooing, cuddly, smiling baby turn into a much taller version that obviously knows much more than you do? Do you fear your teenager’s eyes will get stuck in the back of their head from the constant eyeball rolling? And, is the homework battle now a 10.0 on the Richter scale? If you … Read more

Arizona Online School Shares the Voting Process in Arizona (Election 2018)

Arizona online school voting lesson

Arizona Online School Teaches Practical Applications in Social Studies Class A few weeks ago, upon completing his US/AZ Government class, a student at Hope High School Online, the Arizona online school where I teach social studies, mentioned to me, “This is great, I learned a lot, but how do I actually cast my ballot?”  This … Read more

Tips for Hope High School Online Students Who Struggle with Anxiety

Arizona virtual high school

Your heart starts racing, palms start sweating, and worry floods your mind like a crashing wave. It could be something small that sends a student’s mind into an avalanche of of anxiety. So many students experience these sorts of emotions and struggle through them. The anxiety plagues so many parts of their lives to a … Read more