Decisions After Online High School: 3 Questions To Ask Yourself

choosing a path

Focus your decisions after online high school incrementally to gain better understanding of your interests and passions. Plan out the next chapter, not the entire book.

The Best of Both Worlds is Available at our Arizona Free High School Online

Do you currently go to a traditional brick and mortar high school? Do you ever wonder if there is a different way to learn where every moment is not regulated?  Or how high school education that offers a flexible schedule can change your high school education experience to one you really enjoy? At Hope High … Read more

Lucrative Career Training While Attending Online High School in Arizona

Online High School in Arizona

What??? Coming out of high school making money??  Did you know that attending Hope High School Online in Arizona not only has the fantastic benefits of personalized, self-paced, high-quality online education, but it also offers the opportunity to train for a lucrative career, graduating into a real-world job? While attending this online high school in … Read more

Arizona Online High Schools and Parents Can Support Student’s Purpose

Arizona Online High Schools

A survey in 2018 found that most high school students didn’t feel properly prepared or equipped to deal with stress, understand emotions, solve disagreements, and face adult life after high school. At Hope High School Online, we are on a mission to prepare our students providing the personal skills needed to succeed in an online … Read more

Amp Up College Applications with Hope High School Online in Arizona

Online High School in Arizona

Sometimes it may feel like you have to be a straight-A, harp playing, football throwing, multilingual student to make the cut for your dream college. Not so fast…. Hope High School Online in Arizona is here to help you be a competitive applicant for colleges. We work with you every step of the way to … Read more

Your Education Career Action Plan at Hope High School Online in Arizona

Online High School in Arizona

Success in high school and the future takes planning, planning, and more planning. Sitting down and making a plan for the future may not seem like the most exciting thing to do, but, your future self will thank you for it! Creating an Education Career Action Plan, ECAP, at Hope High School Online in Arizona … Read more

Learn at Your Own Pace at Hope High School Online in Arizona

Online High School Arizona

How do you know if you could be more successful by learning at your own pace? High school students from many different walks of life find learning at their own pace allows them to be a more successful student. Hope High School Online in Arizona offers a flexible learning schedule that allows you to adjust … Read more